
These are payments on accounts that do not qualify as expenses or income


Christophers Investments in Guatemala 814.00
Christopher Shares USA 13,600.00
Approved By Account Date Description Total Currency
$auser Christophers Investments in Guatemala 8/22/23 Christopher to Samuel GTQ cash on hand (Q814/81000) $ 814.00 GTQ
$auser Christopher Shares USA 8/18/23 Christopher for home management: cover Jessica AA airline miles and fees $ 600.00 USD
Jessica.S 8/10/23 Jessica to Laura and Samuel: wire transfer from Jessica's Fifth Third MM to Christopher's GT Continental GTQ to pay Laura Charnaud and cash for Samuel (Q33,000 to Laura, Q38,386./81,000 to Samuel) $ 9392.94 USD
Jessica.S 8/10/23 Jessica to Samuel: wire transfer from Jessica's Fifth Third MM to Samuel Solomon's USA Bank of America for purchase $ 255000.00 USD
$auser 8/9/23 Reimbursement for investment Christopher to Jessica: Entermedia to Samuel: Entermedia bill pay to Jessica's Fifth Third MM Bp Merch PMT 1173207 080923 as reimbursement for her payment $ -10000.00 USD
Jessica.S Christopher Shares USA 8/9/23 Jessica to Samuel: from Jessica's Fifth Third MM to Christopher's Huntington USD via Zelle then Xoom to Guatamala and GTQ to Samuel (Q3800/81000 to Samuel) $ 500.00 USD
$auser Christopher Shares USA 8/9/23 Entermedia to Samuel: Entermedia bill pay to Jessica's Fifth Third MM Bp Merch PMT 1173207 080923 as reimbursement for her payment $ 10000.00 USD
Jessica.S 8/9/23 Jessica to Samuel and Lawyer?: from Jessica's Fifth Third MM to Christopher's GT Continental GUA via Xoom #5868215238 (Q19,000/81,000) to Samuel $ 2500.00 USD
$auser Christopher Shares USA 8/9/23 Entermedia to Samuel: Entermedia via Huntington direct payments to Christopher's Huntington USA then to Guatemala (Q19000/81000 to Samuel) $ 2500.00 USD
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