Christopher B
9/21/23, 11:29:04 AM EDT
Hi Paloma, I would like to trade you the ticket down to Guatemala for the cleaning checklist. Have it be a Google Spreadsheet and one for Deep cleans and one for room turnovers. Have it be in spanish and have Ivett understand how to use it between guests.
Jessica S
9/21/23, 12:36:24 PM EDT
Hi Paloma, I know you had a few expenses. Can you either enter them or just reply to me here what they are and I can enter them for you so we can get you reimbursed?
Jessica S
9/22/23, 8:28:27 AM EDT
Ivett G
Should I ask them the difference from the fee? For my point of view they should pay the fees to provide the complete payment. But maybe we can remind them in the future if they stay longer with us.
Hi Ivett, Have you had a chance to ask them for this yet? If so, what was the outcome?
Jessica S
9/22/23, 8:29:25 AM EDT
HI Ivett, I understand there was an issue with music from the de Paz neighbor and the guests at de Suenos being upset about it? What happened?
Ivett G
9/22/23, 8:34:41 AM EDT
I don't know about this to be honest. But I can ask them today. About the $10 fee I told them it was all right for this time as either them or us knew about it, and they were happy with it.
Jessica S
9/22/23, 8:58:12 AM EDT
Ivett G
I don't know about this to be honest. But I can ask them today. About the $10 fee I told them it was all right for this time as either them or us knew about it, and they were happy with it.
Alright. I'm a bit skeptical that they couldn't see it since there are usually always fees for conversions. But for next time we'll ask for guests to cover any fees.
Christopher B
9/22/23, 10:32:33 AM EDT
it is hard for them to see our fee because PayPal is a pain. But I suggested we just charge a flat $10 for international paypal payments.
Jessica S
9/22/23, 11:00:14 AM EDT
Definitely agree on this going forward. They are currently getting an entire lovely private house, kitchen, bath, patio and sauna for the price of one room with shared bathroom in a hostel. We should not be afraid to ask for our value in exchange for the benefit they are receiving.
Ivett G
9/24/23, 12:59:35 PM EDT
Good morning! The couple want to stay two more nights, I said it was ok, 300 Q per night, total 600 Q. They are going to pay in cash tomorrow.
Ivett G
9/24/23, 1:01:07 PM EDT
I also would like to post Casa de Sueños again, and would like to know which montly price could we provide in October y November? just in case they ask me.
Jessica S
9/24/23, 1:22:06 PM EDT
Ivett G
Good morning! The couple want to stay two more nights, I said it was ok, 300 Q per night, total 600 Q. They are going to pay in cash tomorrow.
Great, the price is better. Two more nights means they are currently planning to leave when? Wednesday morning or Thursday morning?
Jessica S
9/24/23, 1:27:10 PM EDT
Ivett G
I also would like to post Casa de Sueños again, and would like to know which montly price could we provide in October y November? just in case they ask me.
I would try for at least $700. I think it should go for more than de Paz because it's nicer. Alexander is going to pay us next week for another month? And that will be around $600, right?
Ivett G
9/24/23, 4:24:33 PM EDT
the situation is I already ask for 700 and she said it was out of their buget, so I give them a discount of 100 Q and they said yes.
They are leaving Wednesday morning 🙏🏽
Christopher B
9/25/23, 12:08:02 AM EDT
I think Jessica is saying for October and November to ask $800USD/month if they stay a month or more